
Your Global LAN Gaming Network - Get Tunngle !

We designed Tunngle to connect the epic games of the past with the greatest games of the present. Our goal is to inspire developers and gamers to save the gaming heritage and use it as base for all future games.

We believe that entertainment should be simple, free and accessible to everyone. Our mission is to redefine the meaning and the purpose of "entertainment" in order to allow people from everywhere to have fun together. We're conviced that an happy world is a better world and this is why we designed Tunngle to be like a place where people can play and enjoy their freedom together.
Tunngle is like Facebook, Twitter and Skype brought together. But that's not all, Tunngle is much more. Tunngle is a free space where people can have fun and it's the people that make it so special. This unique mix is what makes Tunngle an experience worth living for the several thousands of members that join our Community every day!

We are back, but with new way of connecting and used less money as much as we can because if Tunngle shutdown again it will be big loss of our company.
We will only use donations to upgrade our software. 

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LAN over the Internet

Tunngle allows you to easily play your Local Area Network (LAN) games online over the Internet. This means that, when you run Tunngle, you can use the Local Network Menu of your games to play your favorite Multi-Player games on-line.

Reviving Classic Games

Your favorite online game has been shutdown? No worries, Tunngle gives your game an extra life thanks to its powerful Local Area Network emulator! Just join the proper network, launch the game and resume playing your favorite game over our Virtual LAN!

Gaming and Beyond

Tunngle redefined the VPN technology industry standards. Its huge 255 players Virtual Networks are the ideal place to play games over the Internet but they can also be used for a range of professional IP-Based applications as never before.